
viernes, septiembre 02, 2011

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 Soundtrack

Recuerda que vas a morir. La vida es efímera y a nuestro paso por ella la felicidad se dibuja como una idea abstracta, alejada de la realidad. Este es el drama humano, la continua reinvención del Yo a medida que transcurren los años. Atlus regala al público europeo su particular forma de entender el mundo con una obra profunda e impresionante que plasma como pocos han sabido la esencia del JRPG. Un título indispensable de los que hacen mella en la retina del jugador.

101 - Pursuing My True Self.mp3 [+]
102 - A Corner of Memories.mp3 [+]
103 - Welcome to the limousine.mp3 [+]
104 - The Poem for Everyone's Souls.mp3 [+]
105 - New Days.mp3 [+]
106 - Signs Of Love.mp3 [+]
107 - Mayonaka TV.mp3 [+]
108 - Your Affection.mp3 [+]
109 - Like a dream come true.mp3 [+]
110 - Who's there.mp3 [+]
111 - Reach Out To The Truth -First Battle-.mp3 [+]
112 - SMILE.mp3 [+]
113 - Backside Of The TV.mp3 [+]
114 - Reasoning.mp3 [+]
115 - Castle.mp3 [+]
116 - Borderline of Madness.mp3 [+]
117 - I'll Face Myself -Battle-.mp3 [+]
118 - I'll Face Myself.mp3 [+]
119 - muscle blues.mp3 [+]
120 - It's SHOW TIME!.mp3 [+]
121 - Belongings.mp3 [+]
122 - Kerorin MAGIC!.mp3 [+]
123 - Sauna.mp3 [+]
124 - Awakening.mp3 [+]
125 - Reach Out To The Truth.mp3 [+]
201 - Reach Out To The Truth -Inst version-.mp3 [+]
202 - specialist.mp3 [+]
203 - Theater.mp3 [+]
204 - Heartbeat, Heartbreak.mp3 [+]
205 - youthful lunch.mp3 [+]
206 - Game.mp3 [+]
207 - ZONE TIME.mp3 [+]
208 - A New World Fool.mp3 [+]
209 - Mist.mp3 [+]
210 - Period.mp3 [+]
211 - Theme of Junes.mp3 [+]
212 - The Power of the Heart (P4ver.).mp3 [+]
213 - The Path is Open (P4ver.).mp3 [+]
214 - Reverie.mp3 [+]
215 - How much.mp3 [+]
216 - Secret Base.mp3 [+]
217 - Heaven.mp3 [+]
218 - Alone.mp3 [+]
219 - Reasoning -another version-.mp3 [+]
220 - Long Way.mp3 [+]
221 - Omen.mp3 [+]
222 - Corridor.mp3 [+]
223 - The Almighty.mp3 [+]
224 - The Genesis.mp3 [+]
225 - I'll Face Myself -another version-.mp3 [+]
226 - Never More.mp3 [+]
227 - Electronica In Velvet Room.mp3 [+]


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