
viernes, julio 01, 2011

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (Complete Score) (3 CD's)

Autor: John Williams
Año: 1977
Formato: Mp3 320 Kbps
Tamaño: 391,70 Mb
Carátulas: Sí
Duración: 02:35:04
Peso: 352.87 MB


CD 1
01. 20th Century Fox Fanfare (00:21)
02. Star Wars Main Title / Imperial Pursuit (02:16)
03. Boarding The Rebel Blockade Runner (02:14)
04. Enter Lord Vader (02:04)
05. Escape Pod / Crashing On The Desert Planet (02:22)
06. The Dune Sea (00:57)
07. Jawa Sandcrawler (04:08)
08. The Moisture Farm (01:53)
09. Droids For Sale (00:25)
10. The Princess And The Hologram (01:50)
11. Binary Sunset (02:15)
12. Search For R2 (01:08)
13. Attack Of The Sand People (02:13)
14. Obi-Wan Kenobi (01:39)
15. The Old Republic (00:59)
16. Leia's Plea (00:49)
17. The Force / Aboard The Death Star (00:59)
18. Burning Homestead (02:51)
19. Mos Eisley Spaceport (02:12)
20. Figrin D'an And The Modal Nodes (02:46)
21. Mos Eisley Cantina Band (03:51)

CD 2
01. The Millenium Falcon / Docking Bay 94 (01:34)
02. Escaping Tatooine (02:18)
03. Destruction Of Alderaan (01:32)
04. The Death Star (01:38)
05. Avoiding Capture (01:55)
06. Mouse Robot / Infiltrating The Death Star (02:02)
07. Detention Block Ambush (01:08)
08. Shootout In The Cell Bay (02:12)
09. Dianoga (01:36)
10. The Walls Converge (03:07)
11. The Tractor Beam (02:34)
12. Fighting The Stormtroopers (00:49)
13. Chasm Crossfire / Facing Vader (01:56)
14. Ben Kenobi's Death / Escaping The Death Star (01:32)
15. Incoming Fighters (02:19)
16. Launch From The Fourth Moon (01:13)
17. X-Wings Draw Fire / Battle Of Yavin (03:21)
18. Destroying The Death Star (04:30)
19. Throne Room (01:47)
20. End Credits (03:49)

CD 3
01. Album Introduction (00:08)
02. A New Hope (Music Video) (01:49)
03. Planet That Is Farthest From (Introduction) (00:20)
04. Planet That Is Farthest From (04:22)
05. An Unlikely Alliance (Introduction) (00:31)
06. An Unlikely Alliance (03:25)
07. A Defender Emerges (Introduction) (00:31)
08. A Defender Emerges (04:22)
09. A Daring Rescue (Introduction) (00:32)
10. A Daring Rescue (03:51)
11. Star Wars Main Title (Complete) (05:43)
12. Main Title (Take 16) (02:20)
13. Main Title (Take 17) (02:19)
14. Main Title (Take 18) (02:24)
15. Main Title (Take 19) (02:21)
16. Main Title (Take 20) (02:21)
17. Throne Room / End Credits (Revenge Of The Sith) (06:19)
18. Princess Leia's Theme (Album) (04:24)
19. Binary Sunset (Album) (02:18)
20. A New Hope Orchestral Suite (08:31)
21. The Story Of Episode IV (10:55)
22. Album Finish (00:53)

Descarga (1 solo link): http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FLC1FFMY

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